
Hi, Welcome to Sky High Media Services! Whether you need assistance for a one-time job, or a long-term relationship managing all of your business’s graphic content, website needs, or videography, it starts first with a trusting relationship. Just like you aim to please your customers, your happiness with what I can provide for your small business is my biggest accomplishment!

About the Owner:

I am the mother of two rambunctious boys living in Northern Colorado. We are transplants from the beautiful mountain town of Flagstaff Arizona. While I grew up in the Phoenix area, I moved to Flagstaff when I went to college at NAU. I got my degree in Electronic Media, with an emphasis in Journalism. I specialize in video production from shooting, to editing, to graphic design. I also manage social media accounts for small businesses and love web design. If you are a small business in NoCo looking for assistance in these areas, you didn't find me by accident, shoot me an email and let’s have a conversation about how you can outsource some of your daily tasks.

In 2004, I graduated from college at NAU (Northern Arizona University) with a degree in Electronic Media with an emphasis in Broadcast Journalism. From there, I went right into my career and became a director of the 6 and 10 pm newscasts at KNAZ in Flagstaff Arizona.

In 2008 my world changed when KNAZ shut its doors while I was pregnant with my first child.  It was a very uncertain time for us, but we’ve persevered through the storms. I took on clients designing graphics and managing websites for small businesses. As soon as I realized I could do this from home while parenting my boys, I knew these side jobs would make a great home business, and that is where was created and then recently Why Sky High? Well, Colorado has a big beautiful sky and I like to think that the sky is the limit for one’s creativity!

This business and vision behind it have significantly expanded since 2019. While I primarily focused on graphic design and building websites, I soon realized I could use my television knowledge in videography/video editing and have gone on to include that in many of the services I offer clients. I want clients to be able to tell their story about their business visually and share that with their own customers and clients. People buy into who and what you stand for through story, and a heartwarming video helps with developing your brand’s personality!