Are You Putting Your Own Oxygen Mask on First?

As a business owner in the service industry helping other businesses market and brand themselves, I often forget to keep up with my own branding and marketing strategies. You’ve heard the saying, put your own oxygen mask on first before you come to another person’s aide. Yet, we in the service industry do this ALL THE TIME! After all we are in the “service industry” because we want to take care of others, but that doesn’t mean neglecting ourselves.

Here’s a prime example of what I’m talking about. I was at a Master Networks meeting last week and I was asked to give examples of my own social media analytics and growth with just “my company”….well there’s a big problem with that, since I rebranded my business from being a general VA business to focusing on “media services” just about six weeks ago, establishing a new website and just barely getting business cards finished up, I didn’t have anything to provide….but that’s okay…slow and steady progress toward your marketing goals will help. Success in this area is not often overnight. You build it with your clients, with relationships and with small consistent steps toward your goals.

Need some marketing tips and strategies to get your content or product out there! Schedule a FREE 15 minute consultation with me.


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